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10th Grade

GET TO KNOW your school. Get to know your counselor, academic advisor, fellow students, teachers, AND anyone else who can help you to become successful here at Grossmont High School.

JOIN IN - The best way to feel comfortable in your surroundings is to join in. Join a club or an athletic team. Get involved. Listen to the bulletin announcements to stay informed about what's happening around campus. See your counselor for a list of clubs or athletic contacts.

Do your part by turning in assigned homework, studying for tests, and completing assigned projects. Use your planner to stay organized and keep track of everything. If you need help, ask questions!

Courses completed with a D will count toward graduation, but will NOT be accepted by California universities as a passing grade. For example, a student who received a D in a semester of freshman English will NOT be eligible for the CSU or UC schools because they have not completed four years of English with a C or better.  They will need to repeat that course in order to be eligible.

Please be aware that you can use teacher tutorials before, during lunch and after school to get help with assignments and to make up and turn in work! Whether you are having trouble in one of your subjects or not, tutorials are a great way to better understand the material being taught in the classroom and to get extra help from your teacher.

You can make up absences this way:
All day absences - see attendance to sign up for Saturday school. Make sure to sign in and out on that day in order to have the absence cleared.  
Period absences - see attendance to pick up a blue sheet. Attend the teacher's tutorial for the period that is missed and once signed, turn in the blue slip to attendance to clear that period absence.

We at Grossmont want to stress the importance of every student having a plan following graduation. This plan may include admission to a four-year college or university, community college, military, apprenticeships, career training or other educational experiences. During 9th grade, students learned about A-G college admission requirements and how they differ from graduation requirements. Students also worked on Career Cruising and completed a “learning styles inventory” in order to discover how they learn and what strategies they can utilize to enhance their learning, as well as a “career matchmaker” assessment to determine what careers best match their interests. This year, students are encouraged to continue their research on the Xello website and save the information to their electronic portfolios to refer back to at a later date. During junior year the focus will be on finding the right college or other post-secondary institution.

Parents: Ask your students about their experience with Career Cruising and Xello! Were there any surprises? Did they learn about a career they hadn’t previously thought about? What new insight did they gain about a career they had previously considered? 

While community service is not a graduation requirement, it does look good on college applications. It is recommended that students keep a log of volunteer hours with signatures from supervisors in case one of their college applications is audited by the university. Career Cruising has a tool under the “portfolio” tab where students can log their community service hours. Colleges especially like to see an ongoing commitment to a particular cause and it’s best not to wait until senior year! 

Sophomore College Planning
  • Take challenging classes in core academic subjects.
  • Make sure your schedule of classes include college admission requirements.
  • Focus on your academic work and meet your goals for good grades. Find out where to get tutoring help if necessary.
  • Sign up for the PSAT in late September or early October.
  • Continue your extracurricular activities, sports, and/or volunteer work and documenting your participation for college applications.  You can record this information in your portfolio in Career Cruising.  Your counselor can provide you with your user name and password if needed. 
  • Visit college campuses and attend college and career fairs.  Explore careers using Career Cruising.  Use the Internet and Career Cruising to locate college and financial aid information.  Enroll in summer school classes if necessary.  D and F grades in A-G courses will need to be made up in order to be eligible for a 4-year university.
  • Plan to use your summer wisely: Work, volunteer, or take a summer course or workshop at a local college.  This summer is a great time to visit colleges of interest as well.